Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wiki Research 11/13/14

If I had to choose a class that we could use wikis for educational purposes I would choose Biology I since it is a complicated course. Wikis would help the class keep quick notes on the chapter or lesson we are on, especially since for studying on an upcoming test with the right and correct information. We could also use wikis for presentations on certain sections on the textbook, so we could make it easier to understand the lessons. It is also possible to use wikis to study vocabulary words that we don't get or understand. Creating a wiki in Biology I would keep all notes and test reviews organized for when midterms and exams are coming near. If I had a recommended wiki, it would be wiki-dot since most students that are in the class already have an account and experience using the website from other classes like World History. Everyone has experience using wikis since there is a World History project every month using wikis.

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