Thursday, November 20, 2014

Russian Website Spying on Webcams Worldwide

Britain’s privacy watchdog on Thursday called on Russia to take down a site showing hacked live feeds from thousands of homes and businesses around the world and warned it was planning regulatory action. Britain has been working on this for about 24 hours to deal with this problem as best as they can. Britain's ICO said 500 feeds have been targeted all over the world. The website, which is based in Russia, accesses the information by using the default login credentials, which are freely available online.Data watchdogs across the world have already drawn attention to the site, which is hacking 4,591 cameras in the US, 2,059 in France and 1,576 in the Netherlands. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Wiki Dissection: NM

1)What is the purpose of this Wiki?
The purpose of this wiki is about disruptive technology. This means that it is about how disruptive innovation is an innovation that helps create a new market and value network, and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network (over a few years or decades), displacing an earlier technology.
2)When was the last post?
November 7, 2007 2:53 a.m.3)How was this Wiki created?
It was created with Wiki Spaces as a a separate Wiki page from its main type of Wiki homepage4)What would you add to it?
I would update the information for this Wiki as it wasn't updated since 2007 and we are already near to 2015.5)What did you learn from it?
We found out what disruptive technology is and examples to its cause.6)If you had to create a Wiki with a team, what would be the specific topic (s)?
A specific topic would be about net neutrality and its importance to people today7)How can Wikis be used in the classroom or in education?
It is a more organized way to have and obtain important information. It is especially a very useful way to correct mistaken information by fixing the issue.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Blackberry and Samsung Work on Android Security

Samsung and Blackberry are trying to tackle enterprise security threats with a joint service

Major rivals Blackberry and Samsung are working on trying improve Android's security for many other enterprises. The Major companies agreed into working on a project that is estimated to be around March."BlackBerry has developed a very close partnership with Samsung and we're committed to deepening the interaction between our engineering and product development teams for the long term," said John Sims, president of global enterprise services at BlackBerry. Both companies want to work on this project to make it secure for their customers to have a safe privacy on their mobile devices. Blackberry says that they will use the Knox Android Security System as a platform to build off. They Say this project will be fully finished by 2015.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wiki Research 11/13/14

If I had to choose a class that we could use wikis for educational purposes I would choose Biology I since it is a complicated course. Wikis would help the class keep quick notes on the chapter or lesson we are on, especially since for studying on an upcoming test with the right and correct information. We could also use wikis for presentations on certain sections on the textbook, so we could make it easier to understand the lessons. It is also possible to use wikis to study vocabulary words that we don't get or understand. Creating a wiki in Biology I would keep all notes and test reviews organized for when midterms and exams are coming near. If I had a recommended wiki, it would be wiki-dot since most students that are in the class already have an account and experience using the website from other classes like World History. Everyone has experience using wikis since there is a World History project every month using wikis.