Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Blog- Post Assesment

One of my personal favorite restaurants for me would be Buffalo's Chicken Shack. Their restaurant is located at  261 Hackensack Street, Wood-Ridge, New Jersey. Buffalo's is a restaurant based upon  spicy chicken dishes and other Southern style dishes with a very layed back setup. In my opinion, the best dish is their Buffalo chicken wings: this dish has many sauce flavors from sweet honey and BBQ to burning hot Numb Ya Face and their famous Challenge Sauce. They also sell on their menu chicken and waffle dishes, milkshakes, fried chicken, and burgers. Buffalo's was established in 2010 and is still running more popular than it was when it started. They are a single running restaurant, while attracting many customers everyday they're open. Their hours are 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. from Monday to Sunday. Buffalo's s my favorite restaurant because it serves the best and spiciest chicken wings I've ever had. They also make really good milkshakes from hand. If this restaurant closed, it would be a tragedy to their customers and me that such a great restaurant closed down. If the restaurant would move or have a new chain it wouldn't really affect anything except transportation to get there. The first time I heard of Buffalo's was after many people in my school have said they make very good wings and are going to eat there. Buffalo's also has a weekly special called Sixty Cent Wing Wednesday where each wing costs 60 cents. I go to Buffalo's most of the time on Wednesday to get more wings than I do. Buffalo's is also famous for having their annually Challenge Sauce Contest in which contestants have to race to eat the most challenge sauce in a matter of time. Many famous competitive food eaters enter this contest to be the champion of the year. The winning prize of the contest is a $1000. In this contest, they also have a pie eating contest.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Do Now 12/15

Using my goals to contributing a community or society, in a way, can contribute a lot if I put my mind on to it. If I would like to change the world at any moment in time, it would be now I would guess. I could try my hardest to change or contribute today's world and society, but it takes a lot to change. My mind will focus on something tragic, as to disease, I would think that need to help in finding a cure to certain diseases. I would feel like giving pity to the many people with deadly, incurable, diseases would be giving a cup of water to a dying tree. Yet it is something that helps, small progress is still progress. If I would become a millionaire, I would use as much money as it takes to help a charity, which might sound not as helpful to change society, but it will still help the cause its going to. Not matter how much you give to help a cause, even if it is a dollar, It will still help. That thought of me helping just a little more, is a goal achieved from a desire to help.

Monday, December 8, 2014

RSS Assignment Discussions

Why did you select the sites you subscribed to?I have recently started using RSS feeds to keep myself organized information for school assignments. I chose all of these RSS to start with since most were interesting to read from or just caught my eye: CNN News, FIFA News, FBI Most Wanted, CDC Outbreaks, LoL News.Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them? For me, finding the RSS feeds were somewhat easy as most of the websites had RSS links yet some had no connection to their links, but instead you could use their main links as average RSS links.Which sites were your favorites? My favorite RSS feeds were FIFA News and FBI Most Wanted as they had very interesting things for their main links.What else can you use RSS feeds for? RSS feeds can be used in so many ways to organize yourself, especially for projects and assignments in schools.How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future? In my opinion, I will likely have to use RSS feeds to be organized with information with projects as they are very handy and useful.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

PS4 Clebrates 20 Years With Limited Edition Design

PS4 came out with a new limited edition design to celebrate 20 years of success in the gaming industry. The first playstation consoles came out on December 4, 1994, back when playstation was working with Nintendo. The limited edition design changes the PS4 from its black coated cover to the retro design of the PS1 that came outin 1995

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Do Now 12/2/14

If i could add a class to the school curriculum it would be homework class. Homework class can help students finish their homework during class so they can be worry free of other assignments. This class would let students to do homework, they were recently given by their other teachers, the whole period.This makes class a perfect time to improve grades in other major courses. To know that the students are doing their homework, teachers will be given a list by their teachers of the assignments they were given that day. If the student isn't given any homework on the day, the teacher will have to make the student study for upcoming tests or work on a project that has not been assigned by the teacher during the week, which will help the student get a head-start at the project.
This class will be available to all students for grades 7-12 for curricular reasons. If so a student is failing a class for not doing projects, homework, or studying, the student will be put into the class mandatory for his help in learning. If the student does not complete their following homework, it is assigned to them as the class's homework of the day. If the student doesn't, or forgets to do the homework the day it was assigned, it will be marked down as a 0 for both classes, Grades will be only based on the hard work and commitment into doing homework in the class for their own grades

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Russian Website Spying on Webcams Worldwide

Britain’s privacy watchdog on Thursday called on Russia to take down a site showing hacked live feeds from thousands of homes and businesses around the world and warned it was planning regulatory action. Britain has been working on this for about 24 hours to deal with this problem as best as they can. Britain's ICO said 500 feeds have been targeted all over the world. The website, which is based in Russia, accesses the information by using the default login credentials, which are freely available online.Data watchdogs across the world have already drawn attention to the site, which is hacking 4,591 cameras in the US, 2,059 in France and 1,576 in the Netherlands. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Wiki Dissection: NM

1)What is the purpose of this Wiki?
The purpose of this wiki is about disruptive technology. This means that it is about how disruptive innovation is an innovation that helps create a new market and value network, and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network (over a few years or decades), displacing an earlier technology.
2)When was the last post?
November 7, 2007 2:53 a.m.3)How was this Wiki created?
It was created with Wiki Spaces as a a separate Wiki page from its main type of Wiki homepage4)What would you add to it?
I would update the information for this Wiki as it wasn't updated since 2007 and we are already near to 2015.5)What did you learn from it?
We found out what disruptive technology is and examples to its cause.6)If you had to create a Wiki with a team, what would be the specific topic (s)?
A specific topic would be about net neutrality and its importance to people today7)How can Wikis be used in the classroom or in education?
It is a more organized way to have and obtain important information. It is especially a very useful way to correct mistaken information by fixing the issue.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Blackberry and Samsung Work on Android Security

Samsung and Blackberry are trying to tackle enterprise security threats with a joint service

Major rivals Blackberry and Samsung are working on trying improve Android's security for many other enterprises. The Major companies agreed into working on a project that is estimated to be around March."BlackBerry has developed a very close partnership with Samsung and we're committed to deepening the interaction between our engineering and product development teams for the long term," said John Sims, president of global enterprise services at BlackBerry. Both companies want to work on this project to make it secure for their customers to have a safe privacy on their mobile devices. Blackberry says that they will use the Knox Android Security System as a platform to build off. They Say this project will be fully finished by 2015.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wiki Research 11/13/14

If I had to choose a class that we could use wikis for educational purposes I would choose Biology I since it is a complicated course. Wikis would help the class keep quick notes on the chapter or lesson we are on, especially since for studying on an upcoming test with the right and correct information. We could also use wikis for presentations on certain sections on the textbook, so we could make it easier to understand the lessons. It is also possible to use wikis to study vocabulary words that we don't get or understand. Creating a wiki in Biology I would keep all notes and test reviews organized for when midterms and exams are coming near. If I had a recommended wiki, it would be wiki-dot since most students that are in the class already have an account and experience using the website from other classes like World History. Everyone has experience using wikis since there is a World History project every month using wikis.

Monday, October 27, 2014

10/27 Do Now

A representation is used for representing a subject, mostly to talk about the importance about that subject. When leading a presentation, you need to talk with details that don't confuse the audience and will fully educate a audience member on the subject and why you made a presentation about it. You also need to ask questions to what they think about the subject from their personal point-of-view. Their ideas need to be used by you to make you change your thoughts on the subject, use their ideas to change your's. Trying showing pictures and videos, visual-aids help the viewer know more about the subject. Their audience's attention is important for the presentation, its the main purpose.

Friday, October 24, 2014

"Backoff" Malware is spreading

A malicious malware is spreading through computers across North America. This malware Is known for a string of payment card breaches. Damballa, computer company, says that it's infection percentage has risen 57 percent from their last scan detection. This malware scrapes RAM for leftover credit card data after a payment card has been swiped. Damballa said that most computers that have this malware, aren't noticeable to have the malware.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Google Fiber Reaches Austin

Google has set out plans to build foundations of their super high speed internet in the city of Austin, Texas. Google had planned to set up the connections back in 2013 but had delays from Regulations and permits. Mark Trauma, head of Google Fiber Austin, that there will be a $300 connection fee to homes in Austin but there will be a 5 Mbps Service as offered. No additional prices have been offered to have the high speed network in the city. Google is also planning to expand to more cities in the future as the permissions from the FCC are still at wait.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Tech Blog: Congress wants net neutrality

Congress Wants Net Neutrality

Representitive Henry Waxman made a 15-page letter to the company FCC for adopting new net neutrality rules to stop the controversy and problems. Waxman's solution to this issue, is to grant the FCCs new oversight to broadband providers. the FCC had a third attempt back in May to develop rules that will protect the Internet from potential, harmful future practices. Without any new rules, ISPs will abandon the rules of net neutrality. FCCs plan to change the rules have been changing through the decade as many of them have mostly failed. The is also a problem with the third party companies, that depend on the internet, will be put at risk from not having an open internet protection. The plan to change net neutrality rules are still at debate from the FCC and Congress.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Tech Article : GM recalling 117000 vehicles

General Motors is recalling 2013-2014 vehicles cause of a stalling defect. The car brands that might have this problem are Chevrolet, Cadillac, GMC, and Buick. Metal slivers in the chassis control module can cause an electrical shortage says GM. GM also says there are around 100 thousand cars in the US  and 20 thousand cars exported elsewhere with this defect. They say they will notify any owner to recall their car to have the defect removed and changed for free.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Do now 9/29/14

An editorial is is a written article that gives the author' opinion on the certain topic. Many people write editorials to all different types of topics they want to talk about. A popular weviste that has millions of editorials on many different topics is Wikipedia. Ever since I started using computers for schools, teachers have told me not to rely on Wikipedia for reliable resource and information. Most teachers have told me that Wikipedia is a public website, meaning that people can change the information on every editorial on their network. Today, Wikipedia has changed to now having a link to the resource that you got the information from to post the new information on the topic you are making an editorial about. Believing Wikipedia has changed from the past rules, I believe we, students, should be able to use Wikipedia as a reliable resource now that it has a stricter policy to changing editorials. I stll dont know if we can or not use Wikipedia for resources as most of the teachers I've had, don't mention about how they've changed their thoughts about Wikipedia since their rules have changed to the public. My thoughts to Wikipedia should be that we should use it as a resource since its old policies have changed.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Tech blog : The New iPhone Bends

New iPhones bending

Reports of the iPhone bending have been reported. Many cases involved having the phone inside your front pocket. The popularity of the phone has also increased many cases even higher.  There has also been talked about by Samsung and competitors. Youtube videos have also shown how easily the new iPhone is to be bended in your hand.
Many fans also say and bring back how the IPhone 5 had never had any of these issues. They say that there is no escaping the bending problem and there hasn't been any word from apple about this problem

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Algebra I

Algebra I is a very important class for a Freshman, since you need to learn different formulas and equation forms for future classes like Geometry and Calculus. My teacher for Algebra I is Mr. Santagelo, who is good Math teacher and also he has an assistant teacher Ms Simpson. He also has a his own link in the school website which is here. What I expected when I started his class was that we were going to learn a lot about fractions and equation formulas. All I expected is going to be what we're going to learn about during the year. We have already taken a test for our Summer Assingment and we have been working on translating Algebraic expressions from words. Translating them means that we get an expression in the form of words.
His grading policy is much more different than other teacher's as he has different percentages for the class :

  • 40%  Formal Assesments
  • 25%  Quizzes 
  • 15%  Informal Assesments
  • 5%   Homework.
One of the aspects I like about his class is that he doesn't joke that much around and wants his students to actually learn something from his class. Other aspects is that he doesn't give as much homework as you need to and won't teach ahead of students as much, who have missed a lesson the day before. The Technology we use in his class are the TI 84 calculator and a Chromebook to make it easier to learn and do Algebra I. Learning Algebra is one of te first steps into learning math, it is also used to defining algorithms and turning them into running programs.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

Copyright is a law that gives people, the right to be called the creators of their work legally. This article taught me a lot about copyright;including that when you create something new, it immedietly gets copyrighted without requiring any paperwork. I also learned that there are four exclusive rights to copyright which are:
  1. Educational Technology and Copyright Law
  2. Display the copyrighted work publicly
  3. Prepare derivative works based on the copyrighted work
  4. Distribute copies of the copyrighted work to the public by sale, rental or lending, and/or to display the image.
Copyright also doesn't mean that people can't use it, but it means that the person or company that used your picture has to keep you credit. The only way for your work to not be used in projects by other people and companies, you have to have a licence for it. Not only is licensing a lot of work but it cost money for your work to have a license. Copyright is a very interesting